Friday, March 23, 2007

Quite the Trend

One of my favorite professors at Luther Seminary is Mary Hess. She's on sabbatical right now, but still maintaining her blog "Tensegrities." One of her recent posts is about the new Barna report on religious life in America - how many people are involved in faith communities - and how many aren't.
Here at SOV we're doing some long range planning, as part of the celebration of the congregation's 50th anniversary in 2008. Next weekend we'll be doing a neighborhood study, teaming people up in pairs and sending them door to door to ask 4 questions: What do you like about this neighborhood? If you could change one thing about the neighborhood what would it be? What could a church in the neighborhood help you with/provide that would interest you? Is there anything we can pray about for you?
I'm really excited to see what happens. It's a big, new step out for members here. Some folks are scared. I trust it will be wonderful.
There are lots of people who haven't heard the good news. If we don't tell them, who will?

1 comment:

Mary Hess said...

I LOVE these questions, and hope that your team has fun being out and asking them. I imagine there'll be some great stories to share -- I hope you put some here! Blessings!