Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Daily Bible Reading

This week marks the half way point of the launch "Living Discipleship." Of course, there is no end to actually living the life of discipleship for those of us who call ourselves Christian. Discipline is hard, though, so we shouldn't be too surprised when we fall off the bike now and then. We need to remember to get back on, though, too.

So - how's daily Bible reading going for you and your household? Are you reading on your own? Did you start with Genesis 1:1? Are you trying to do devotions as a family? Did you scoff at the suggestion?

Leave your comments - let's talk about what's working and not working for this community.

Personally - besides the Luther Seminary "God Pause" devotion that gets emailed to me every day, I am working through Matthew's Gospel during the day and at night doing a short devotion written by Eugene Peterson, and using his paraphrase of the Bible, called "The Message."

1 comment:

Edward Jensen said...

For me, getting things in by e-mail is the best way I do things. I have 3 different Bible-related things e-mailed to me each day: the God Pause daily devotion (, the ELCA Daily Bible Reading based from the lectionary (, and also something called "Oremus" ( So when I check my e-mail in the morning, I just sit down and do my daily bible reading and my devotions without even thinking of opening a book. It's automatic.