Thursday, March 20, 2008

The night of betrayal

Today is Maundy Thursday - when we remember how Jesus took the role of a servant and washed his disciples' feet, then gave them a new commandment (mandatum, hence "Maundy") to love one another. It's also when Jesus told his disciples to eat the bread- his body- and drink the cup - his blood of the new covenant- "in remembrance of me."
Here at SOV we've got a "Living Lord's Supper" tonight, thanks to our Liturgical Drama team. It's always interesting to see "regular" congregation members play the parts of Jesus and his disciples: Peter-the-denier, Judas-the-betrayer, etc..

After all, tonight is "the night in which he was betrayed." Even though I say or hear those words weekly during Holy Communion, I don't often stop to think about what they're saying. In the night in which Jesus was betrayed... He was betrayed, after all. And it was an inside job.

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