Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alive to die no more

The following is this past Tuesday's God Pause devotion from Luther Seminary. The associated text is Psalm 16. It's been making me think. I hope you enjoy it:

Jesus Christ raised from the dead is an unsolvable problem for us. The reality of Easter is an omnipresent threat to our security and way of life. It means, in the words of author Philip Yancey, that "He's out there somewhere." What makes this matter all the more dire is that "He cannot die again ... " (Romans 6:9).
Consequently, Jesus has us cornered, without any possibility of us getting rid of him, pushing him out to Golgotha and crucifying him all over again. He can't die again, and this means that his unyielding will to forgive sinners cannot die either. What are we to do with such a God? It seems as if there is only one option available. In the end we may just have to look to him in faith, realizing that he is Lord of all things, including us!
Lord Jesus, create us anew in faith, content to be your creatures. Amen.

Daniel Shaw, chaplain
Camp Gargoyle, Al Asad, Iraq
Master of Divinity, 2002

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