Thursday, April 17, 2008

Food and Famine

Here at SOV we are still recovering a little from last weekend's fabulous celebrations of the congregation's 50th Anniversary. I hope to write more about that later.
But for today, a couple of links, about food production and how we humans really are dependent on other creatures and our environment for our survival. I think it's easy to forget that sometimes, when we can get just about any fruit regardless of season, and can get a lot of it wrapped in plastic.
First: My Dad is a commercial beekeeper. He called me yesterday to let me know that their local ABC affiliate (KOMO TV in Seattle) had called to ask him about bees and how so many hives are dying. A reporter interviewed him, and it was on the news last night. It's interesting, and the ramifications of bees getting wiped out could be serious.
Second: Today's New York Times has an interesting article about how the drought in Australia is causing a global shortage of rice. The shortage has led to riots, hoarding, and concerns about social/economic stability in several countries around the world. I've even begun to notice stories about U.S. food prices on the news here. Have you noticed how the "regular" price of a box of cereal has gone up lately?
Perhaps it's time for us to take even more seriously our call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And to remember that the Lord's Prayer is a communal prayer. Give US this day OUR daily bread.

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