Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Garbage

Happy Fourth Day of Christmas! If anybody receives four calling birds as a gift today, please let me know!
Friday is garbage day on our block, and Grant hauled the wheelie bin out to the curb last night. When I left the house this morning, the garbage truck had not yet arrived, so all the garbage cans were standing there like sentries guarding the houses, with their "mouths" open at varying degrees, black and white garbage bags peeking out at passersby. I couldn't decide if it looked like they were begging for me, or feeling overstuffed.
The American celebration of Christmas sure does make a lot of garbage! It's not that I'm ungrateful for my Christmas presents (Santa was plenty good to me) - but it feels a little funny, just a few days later, to see all the waste accumulated in our house, and down the street.
I'm very grateful that I set spending limits on gifts with my husband and sister this year - after all, there isn't a whole lot of new stuff that any of us actually NEEDS.
And we do have an ABUNDANCE of stuff. I know we're not alone in this - after all, congregations around the country manage to have well-stocked rummage sales year after year, gathering items from the same group of households.
(The SOV Rummage Sale in 2008 will be March 15th, in case you're wondering).
So - what's up with all our STUFF? Here's a great video that may help you understand the role each of us plays in the American love affair with stuff. It's about 20 minutes long, but well worth it. Please share it with those you know and love.

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