Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A week away

Well, it's a week from Christmas. And I think I'm mostly done Christmas shopping - Grant and I both have Mondays off, so we hit the mall. Wowza. There were plenty of people, especially for a late Monday morning.
Grant and I set a limit on what we would spend on each other for Christmas this year. Budgets are a helpful thing, and after all, we have way more stuff than we actually need or use already. Giving is fun, though, and I was hard-pressed to stay under the limit. (okay, I didn't, but almost...)
If you're not done with your shopping yet, and are stuck trying to figure out what to get for someone like me, who really doesn't need any more STUFF - consider making a gift to Lutheran World Relief, or any other organization that does good work in our world.

John Nunes, the president of LWR, has a blog about all of his travels. His thoughts are interesting, and it's amazing how far the work of LWR reaches in the world, and how many individuals and communities are touched by our contributions and prayers.

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