Wednesday, April 25, 2007

African Children's Choir

Okay, I am in St. Louis, MO, at a weeklong conference for "ChristCare Group Ministry" - an in-depth small group ministry that we intend to begin at SOV this fall and winter.
They're working us pretty hard, and there's not a lot of down-time. That said, American Idol was a topic of conversation in the elevator, over lunch, etc.
I have a confession to make: I have never watched even one episode. Not one.
BUT - I got a great email from the SOV Postmaster today. Here it is:
SANJAYA'S GONE.... BUT HEY! If you were dreading the thought of watching
American Idol tonight (Wednesday) without hearing Sanjaya Malakar's beautiful
voice, take heart! The AFRICAN CHILDREN'S CHOIR will be there with a preview of what Shepherd of the Valley can expect when the group appears at our church for
both the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services on SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD.
AND if you can host a child or two from the choir when they're here, they each need a place to sleep on Saturday evening, June 2nd. Contact Kristie at the SOV office
to let her know your home is available.
More on the choir??? Click Below:

What a great ministry! I'm excited to have the kids here! (and glad it's not going to be Sanjaya...)
I'll write more about the conference in the morning...

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