Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Old Lutheran at it again

Old Lutheran is the Center for Lutheran Pride (but not too proud). They sell all sorts of Lutheran-themed items - from a set of T-shirts in liturgical colors with a clergy collar on the front, to Martin Luther bobble-heads, and now - the Sermon Survival drink.
They crack me up.

REV Energy: Sermon Survival Drink
Are you worried about staying awake in church the week after Easter? We know that by the time Easter weekend is over, the average Lutheran will have heard approximately 3.7 sermons (the number listened to is a different matter). Given the fact that Easter Sunday is arguably a high point in the Christian church year, what is left for next Sunday? We have the solution for any Sunday you aren't exactly sure how you are going to make it through one more sermon. Whether you are sitting in the pew or preparing to preach, REV Energy Drink is for you. REV is loaded with sugar, caffeine and other sermon-enhancing ingredients like glucuronolactone and inositol. If you are preaching, drink one can before church and your sermon is guaranteed not to drag. But just in case, keep an extra can in the pulpit. Each can includes recommended dosages for listening to, writing or giving a sermon. Place your order today for REV Energy Drink--just in time for the 1st Sunday after Easter. NOTICE: Please use this and other Old Lutheran products in moderation.

1 comment:

Edward Jensen said...

I love Old Lutheran. Their shirts are hilarious, and who doesn't love a bobble-head Martin Luther? (Is there a bobble-head Pope Benedict XVI? I think not...)