Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Resurrection Day!

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
(hopefully you're thinking: "Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!") - That is the joy-and-wonder-filled shout of Christians this morning. Jesus is alive. Even today.

Our sunrise service went well - Phoenix isn't such a bad place at 6am on the church lawn. Outdoor sunrise services are considerably fewer and farther between in Montana. Go figure.

What follows is an Easter message and prayer from Ministry of the Arts - the sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph.

Happy Resurrection Day!!

"You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen, he is not here."
With these words, the angel spoke to the women who were looking for the body of Jesus in the tomb. The tomb was a liminal place. ("Limina" is the Latin word for threshold, the space betwixt and between, on the edge, on the cusp, pregnant with possibilities.)
Like the women we too are often frightened and bewildered about that space between yesterday and tomorrow, between death and life. But we are uniquely people of God, people of hope.
Liminal space is a spiritual position where we struggle, but where all significant transformation happens. It is when we have left the familiar, but have not yet arrived at the new. It is when we are between our old comfort zone and any possible new way of being. Let us not be persons of the past. let us be informed by the past, but inspired into the future. Jesus goes ahead of us! Let's follow!
"So we are called not only to believe that Christ once rose from the dead, thereby proving that He was God: we are called to EXPERIENCE that Resurrection in our own lives by entering into this dynamic movement, by following Christ who lives in us." (Thomas Merton)
Where is Jesus leading you?
Reflection and Challenge by Joann Heinritz, CSJ, Berkeley, CA

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